Overzicht gemeenten

Gateway City Church

Statutaire naam: Gateway City Church
Verklaring groepsbeschikking VPE Wij behoren tot de groepsbeschikking van de VPE.
RSIN/fiscaalnummer 864260027
KVK-nummer 8730221
ANBI vanaf: 17-08-2022
Ontstaansdatum: 17-08-2022
Lid VPE vanaf: 17-08-2022
Registratienummer VPE 101295


Adres Gateway City Church
Watertorenweg 172
E-mailadres gccrotterdam@gmail.com
Website http://www.gatewaycitychurch.nl
Doelstelling gemeente Gateway City Church’s heart and objective to know Jesus (John 17:3) and to make His name
known (Mt 28:18) are set forth in our biblical mandate. It is our vision to make His kingdom
known through the making of Kingdom Culture by practicing hospitality in love. We are a sent
people. Sent to those in our neighborhoods, city, and the nations. To feed the hungry, care for
the sick, and bring the news of salvation and transformation to the weary, broken, and spiritually
Our work to make His kingdom known will be through large group corporate worship and the
meeting of our small groups. In these groups there will be strong relationships of accountability
for personal and spiritual growth and care for each other in daily activities.
As sent people, we will find ways to serve our neighborhoods and our city. Yearly we will take
trips to serve people groups in other countries in need.
In our mandate to make Him known we will disciple and grow leaders by discipleship, leadership
training, and taking on responsibilities to facilitate our objectives locally and abroad by any
means necessary that are legal and under biblical authority.
Hoofdlijnen actueel beleidsplan Our work to make His kingdom known will be through large group corporate worship and the
meeting of our small groups. In these groups there will be strong relationships of accountability
for personal and spiritual growth and care for each other in daily activities.
As sent people, we will find ways to serve our neighborhoods and our city. Yearly we will take
trips to serve people groups in other countries in need.
In our mandate to make Him known we will disciple and grow leaders by discipleship, leadership
training, and taking on responsibilities to facilitate our objectives locally and abroad by any
means necessary that are legal and under biblical authority.
Bestuurssamenstelling beloningsbeleid Boardmembers do not receive payments for their services to the church. The pastor might be paid for his pastoral services to the church.
Actueel verslag uitgeoefende activiteiten See our website.
Toelichting staat van baten en lasten All funds for community maintenance shall be provided by the voluntary contributions, tithes, and offerings
of the members and friends of the organization. Offerings shall be accepted by the community at such
times and in such ways as agreed upon by the elder board and shall be administered by the treasurer
under the direction of the trustee board (Malachi 3:10; Luke 6:38;1 Corinthians 16:1,2; 2 Corinthians

Baten en lastenoverzicht

Baten Begroting 2024 Werkelijk 2023 Begroting 2023 Werkelijk 2022 Werkelijk 2021
1. Opbrengsten uit bezittingen
2. Bijdragen gemeenteleden
3. Subsidies en overige bijdragen van derden
Totaal baten
4. Bestedingen Pastoraat (voorgangers en pastoraal werkers)
5. Bestedingen Kerkdiensten, catechese en gemeentewerk
6. Bijdragen aan andere organen binnen de kerk
7. Lasten kerkelijke gebouwen
8. Overige salarissen / onkostenvergoedingen
9. Lasten beheer en administratie
10. Lasten overige eigendommen en inventarissen
Totaal lasten
Resultaat (baten - lasten)


ad 1 Verhuur eigen pand / onderverhuur / rente en beleggingsopbrengsten / verkopen boeken, etc.
ad 2 Giften / tienden / legaten / verkopen van schenkingen, etc. 
ad 3 Alles wat van derden binnenkomt 
ad 4 Salarissen en onkostenvergoedingen 
ad 5 Kosten rondom de eredienst, diaconie, zondagschool en jongerengroepen 
ad 6 Bijdrage aan VPE / kerkelijke opleidingen etc.
ad 7 Huur / rente / afschrijving / onderhoud / onderhoud parkeerplaats, e.d.
ad 8 Facilitaire medewerkers / zendelingen / vrijwilligerskosten 

ad 9 Kantoorkosten / bankkosten / advieskosten, etc 
ad 10 Inrichting zaal samenkomst / beamerinstallatie / muziekinstrumenten / crechespullen / keukeninventaris / kantoorinventaris, etc
